Learning Paths


  Learning strategiesLearning stylesStudy skillsLearner autonomyMotivationBeliefs and attitudesCommunication



Luciano Mariani, Milan, Italy


Learning Paths is specifically devoted to research and action for promoting learner autonomy. The focus is mainly, but not exclusively, on second language learning, with ample opportunities for cross-curricular work.

I believe that learner autonomy is an on-going process of self-discovery, in which both teachers and learners are invited to express and share their thoughts and feelings about what they are learning and how they are learning it.

Learning Paths aims to help this process of self-discovery by providing materials and references, suggestions for individual and class tasks and ready-to-use tools for investigating various aspects of the teaching/learning interface.

The site also offers selected Bibliographies and Links to other dedicated sites. Relax ... in style provides a bit of personalised relaxation. You can also e-mail me: luciano.mariani@iol.it

Enjoy this site. Thank you!


A word about myself

I am a freelance teacher of English as a second language, a teacher trainer and a materials writer based in Milan, Italy. I have published widely on the topics of study skills, learning styles and strategies, and learner autonomy, and am the author of cross-curricular materials such as Study Skills through English, Strategie per Imparare, Portfolio and co-author of Il Portfolio a scuola, all published by Zanichelli, Bologna. I have also co-authored Il Portfolio delle lingue (Carocci, Roma), English Grammar for Communication (Longman, Harlow) and several secondary school courses, including Flying Start, Go for It!  and Album (Pearson/Longman, Harlow) and Choices and On Target (Zanichelli, Bologna). My latest publications are La motivazione a scuola (Carocci, Roma), Saper apprendere - Atteggiamenti, motivazioni, stili e strategie per insegnare a imparare ( www.libreriauniversitaria.it ),Communication Strategies - Learning and Teaching How to Manage Oral Interaction and Le strategie comuniocative interculturali (www.lulu.com).


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Relax ... in style!

www.learningpaths.org    luciano.mariani@iol.it