Learning Paths

Learning strategies

                  PapersDeduction strategiesInduction strategiesLanguage awareness"Strategic" lesson plansSurveys


Learning strategies, teaching strategies and new curricular demands: a critical view

Perspectives, a Journal of TESOL-Italy, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, Fall 2002

New curricular demands, with their emphasis on competence and performance, prompt us to investigate the role that learning strategies can realistically play in the learning/teaching process, both from a cognitive and from an affective-motivational point of view. Learners should not just be "trained" to use strategies - rather, students and teachers should engage in a mutual effort to negetiate their own specific contribution to learning tasks.


Learning strategies: bridging the gap between competence and process

A Powerpoint presentation with notes for reflection and discussion

Learning strategies have long been recognised as a key tool to empower students and promote learner autonomy. Recent debates on school reform, however, invite us to clarify the place that strategy instruction may have in a new curriculum, with special regard to the concept of “competence” and to the interaction between “process” and “product”. Thus it is important to investigate the role that strategies can play in the learning process, both from a cognitive and from an affective-motivational point of view. Teachers also need to become conversant with the ways and means to implement strategy instruction in the classroom.


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Deduction strategies

The "Sherlock Holmes strategy"

A series of activities designed to highlight the use of inferential strategies - for teacher's use, but easily adaptable for students' use.

Introductory Activity

Guess a strange word and think about how you go about it! An Italian version is also available.

Message in the bottle

Guess the missing words or the missing pictures in a comic strip. An Italian version is also available.

Mystery Painting

A mysterious painting gradually unfolds before your eyes ... An Italian version is also available.

Here starts the story ...

Read the beginning of a short story ... and make your own predictions as new paragraphs challenge your imagination ...  An Italian version is also available.


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Induction strategies

The “secret code strategy”

This activity highlights the use of induction strategies. Help archaeologist Ingana Jeans break a secret code ... and discover how you can make and test your own rules!

An Italian version is available.

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Language awareness strategies

A new look at grammar rules: read texts, solve problems and discover the rule! (For intermediate students of English): students' materials and keys


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"Strategic" lesson plans

The “Pigeonhole” Strategy

These lessons plans focus on improving the use of and reflection on classification strategies.


Ideas about reading

A lesson plan to investigate students´ beliefs about the process of reading.


Motivational temperature

A lesson plan to help students assess how and why motivation can change over time and across different tasks.


Resource survey

A lesson plan to make students aware of the local resources available to practise English.


Error coding

A lesson plan to introduce students to the analysis of errors through a coding system.


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Surveys and questionnaires

Mini strategy survey

Do you really know what strategies your students are using? Why not try out this mini strategy survey? An Italian version is available.


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Learning styles
Study skills
Learner autonomy
Beliefs and attitudes

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www.learningpaths.org    luciano.mariani@iol.it